Sunday, May 15, 2011

Daddy Dates

I recently read Daddy Dates. I got this book from "BookSneeze" for free just for doing this review. This book is written by a father and is sort of an hands on guide, on how to get close with your daughter and stay close threw out the teen years and into adulthood. He talks about how he got to know each of his daughters by treating them like real people not kids. Also how to teach trust and respect to your kids so they hear your words instead of brushing you off.

I found this book over all very interesting, I kept wanting to grab a highlighter and mark out passages for later. The author's day job is a motivational speaker and it really shines threw in this book. he deals with tough topics but makes you feel like if you just try it out you can do it. I didn't want to put the book down the hole time I was reading. It seemed every new page had something other tidbit of info that could really help out in my life. I also found that he would comment not just on daughter but women in general. Over all I would say this book is five out of five stars, if you have kids or even want to relate better to the people around you read this book.